Our summers were spent “bare foot”, and we ran all over the place without shoes, until we had thick callouses on the bottom of our feet. We had to herd the milk cows to keep them from going into the wheat or alfalfa fields. After the wheat was cut and the hay up, we herded…… Continue reading SUMMERTIME (AND THE LIVIN’ AIN’T EASY)
Category: Uncategorized
Food Glorious Food!!
I loved the ranch on the Lemhi. So many unforgettable memories of my childhood there, some not so good of course, but most were great! I feel a warmth and satisfaction in remembering childhood and that of my family. Our ranch was seventeen miles from Salmon, and eight from Baker, (Idaho), which had a mercantile…… Continue reading Food Glorious Food!!
One of the things I enjoyed so much, as our whole family did, were the Community picnics that were held in Herb Spencer’s orchard. Herb was our neighbor who lived across the Lemhi River from us. People would come from miles around and bring food which was put on big, long tables and everyone would…… Continue reading CHILDHOOD PART THREE
Childhood Part Two
“Everything is ceremony in the wild garden of childhood.” ~Pablo Neruda~ We had all the farm animals on the ranch. Horses, cows, pig, chickens, turkeys, and sheep sometimes. Mother usually raised bum lambs and it was our bad luck to help! How I hated giving those bum lambs their bottle of milk. We of course…… Continue reading Childhood Part Two
A panoramic view of the Sandy Creek area where the Moore ranch was situated and where Dad and his brothers and sisters were born and raised. After Granddad Moore died (Rueben McKay Moore), my dad and his brother Corbin decided to run the ranch. That is when we moved from the Matlock place on the…… Continue reading SANDY CREEK
The Matlock Ranch
This is from my mom’s journal, written in 1991. I have left it exactly as written. This is the house where I was born and lived until I was 13 years old. At that time the house was white, and there was a balcony across the front on the second story, instead of the upper…… Continue reading The Matlock Ranch
Parasol Girl
This shy little girl is my mother, Jessie. She grew she grew up in Lemhi County, Idaho, and this photo and these words are from her journal. She didn’t date the journal entry, but I believe it is from the 1980’s. “My hair was brown, and my eyes, green and I was small for my…… Continue reading Parasol Girl
Hello world!
This is my first Blog post. I have many thoughts, some crazy, some lucid and some not easily identified. I also have thousands of family photos and many stories that (hopefully) hold enough meaning that my loved ones will appreciate the effort. This is me: Susan Lorraine Nelson, born September,19-fifty something. You can tell I’m…… Continue reading Hello world!